Romania Jan-Aug FDI Down 53% YY To EUR3.15B - Ctrl Bk
Romania attracted foreign direct investments, or FDI, worth of EUR3.15 billion in the first eight months, down 53% from EUR6.72 billion in the same period of 2008, the central bank said Tuesday.
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Equity stakes (including reinvested earnings) accounted for EUR1.46 billion of the total FDI in January-August, while intra-group loans were at EUR1.69 billion, according to central bank data.
The FDI entirely covered Romania's current account deficit in the first eight months, worth of EUR2.45 bilion, down 78.6% on the year.
In 2008, Romanian FDI stood at EUR9.02 billion, up 24.4% on the year, which financed 53.5% of the current account deficit.
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