Romania’s general consolidated budget ran a small surplus of around 0.2% of gross domestic product in Jan-Feb, Romanian Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian said Tuesday during a seminar.
He said January was a very good month for the state budget, which remained balanced throughout February.
He didn’t provide revenue or spending data for the two months.
Last week, Romania’s government lowered its 2008 consolidated state budget deficit projection to 2.3% of GDP from an initial target of 2.75% of GDP in its first budget revision this year, to keep it in line with European Union requirements.
The European Commission warned Romania late January that it may launch an excessive deficit procedure against the country as the 2008 deficit was likely to exceed the E.U. limit of 3% of GDP.
In 2007, Romania ran a consolidated budget deficit of 2.62% of GDP under European Union calculation methods, according to finance ministry preliminary data.
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