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Romanian Drivers Without Snow Tires May Be Fined RON2500-4000 – Draft

Romanian drivers will be required to use winter tires between November 1 and March 31, or pay a fine between 2,500 and 4,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2967), in addition to the damage done to the road if they have no insurance.
Romanian Drivers Without Snow Tires May Be Fined RON2500-4000 - Draft
Florin Radu
04 nov. 2010, 19:36, English

These penalties will also apply if the vehicles have no snow chains or other permitted anti-swerving equipment when driving over frozen roads, according to a Government decision drafted by the Ministry of Transport. The document also says 10% of the fines will be transferred to the state budget and 90% will be used on road maintenance. At present, the entire revenue from fines goes to the state budget.

The new draft also allows government inspectors access inside the headquarters and of transport firms and even their vehicles.