Prima pagină » English » Lukoil Romania Cuts Diesel Oil Pump Prices By RON0.06 Per Liter

Lukoil Romania Cuts Diesel Oil Pump Prices By RON0.06 Per Liter

Lukoil Romania, a unit of Russian oil company Lukoil Holdings, cut Tuesday its diesel oil pump prices by 0.06 lei (EUR1=RON4.2833) per liter and kept gasoline prices unchanged, the company said in a statement.
Lukoil Romania Cuts Diesel Oil Pump Prices By RON0.06 Per Liter
24 feb. 2009, 10:16, English

On Monday, Lukoil Romania cut certain diesel oil pump prices by RON0.02.

The price of one liter of diesel oil Euro L Diesel is RON3.48 as of Tuesday, while Super Euro L Diesel costs RON3.65.

The price of gasoline remained unchanged. Thus, one liter of COR 95 unleaded Euroluk gasoline costs RON3.35, and one liter of COR 98 unleaded Super Euroluk gasoline costs RON3.92.

The price of one liter of liquefied petroleum gas, or LPG, stayed unchanged at RON1.96.

Lukoil owns around 300 gas stations and Petrotel-Lukoil refinery on the Romanian market.