Romania’s Bucharest-Danube Canal Might Cost EUR500M – Official

Publicat: 13 11. 2008, 13:45
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:07

According to him, the feasibility study might be initiated next year.

The investment in the Bucharest-Danube canal might be written off in about 14 years.

After completion, the canal would be used to transport commodities, to produce electricity through four micro-hydroelectric power plants and to ensure water for irrigations, while the adjacent lands might be rented out for different construction works, Cupsa said.

Through the Bucharest-Danube canal, the capital city would be linked to the Pan-European Transport Corridor 7.

The canal should also protect against floods about 30,000 hectares of agricultural land and 11 localities and to ensure the necessary water to irrigate 150 hectares of arable land.

The micro-hydropower plants that might be built on the canal should produce about 58 gigawatts-hour annually.