According to data presented by Boc in a press conference at the government headquarters, the government has approved EU-funded projects worth EUR1 billion since it was installed in December 2008.
Most financed and approved projects were registered within the Regional Operational Program (ROP) and the Sectoral Operational Program "Increase of Economic Competitiveness.”
Boc, however, stressed there are high discrepancies between various regions countrywide, with respect to the absorption process of EU funds via the Regional Operational Program. According to Boc, the northeastern region was "highly dynamic" in this respect, while the Bucharest-Ilfov region was "less dynamic."
Boc summoned the 12 presidents of development regions countrywide at the government headquarters next Tuesday, May 26, for thorough talks on the matter.
Boc said financing requests for projects meant to improve basic services in rural areas target EUR3 billion, double compared with funds worth EUR1.5 billion granted by the European Union to Romania for the 2007-2013 period.