Romania Must Hike Minimum Wage To 50% Of Avg Wage Until 2014 –Labor Min Official

Romania’s Labor Ministry state secretary, Valentin Mocanu, said Tuesday that the minimum wage must reach 50% of the average wage until 2014, adding salaries included in the new wage grid drawn up under the unitary and single pay law, could be granted over the next five to six years.


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Romania Must Hike Minimum Wage To 50% Of Avg Wage Until 2014 –Labor Min Official

Mocanu said upcoming talks with Finance Ministry officials would focus on reaching common ground with respect to proposals forwarded by ministries, in order to get a clear picture on the matter.
He also said the unitary and single pay law targets 1,380,000 state employees, adding there are nearly 250 levels of classification in this respect; therefore, this draft law cannot be applied from one day to another or from one week to another.
Upcoming talks with Finance Ministry officials, on issues targeting the salaries included in the new wage grid, will be held Wednesday, June 10, at 11:00.

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