Bucharest Subway Operator Metrorex Wants To Buy 16 New Trains, For EUR107M

Publicat: 15 04. 2011, 14:37
Actualizat: 07 11. 2012, 02:31

The contract will run for 38 months and is financed by a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and from the state budget.

The trains, which will run on the subway lines 1, 2 and 3, have a total of 96 cars and will replace the old IVA Astra cars.

An interested company must submit a participation guarantee worth 8.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1021) and recommendations from other beneficiaries. The firm’s global sales average in the last three years must be at least RON800 million and it must prove it has supplied at least 96 train cars through at least three contracts worth a total RON400 million in the past five years.

The price makes up 60% of the award criteria. The technical score, including technical performance, maintenance, delivery and guarantee, makes up the remaining 40%.

Offers can be submitted until June 15, when they will also be opened.

Metrorex currently uses 44 Bombardier trains and 31 IVA Astra trains.

The purchase of these 16 trains, along with 21 other cars, is included in the EUR395 million loan agreement signed by the Government and EIB in 2009, for the construction of subway line 5.