Romania Neither Considers, Nor Excludes New IMF Deal - Fin Min

Romania’s Government is neither taking into account nor excluding sealing a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Monday.


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Romania Neither Considers, Nor Excludes New IMF Deal - Fin Min

"The need of a new agreement will be probably analyzed, in my opinion, at the end of the year, but might become a subject of discussion next year, when we know more exactly the macroeconomic data for 2011 and the exact figures for 2010," Vladescu said.

Romania's representative at the IMF, Mihai Tanasescu, on Saturday said talks for a new agreement with the IMF and the European Commission might start during the fund's next review mission, in October.

Joint teams from the IMF and the European Commission are in Bucharest until August 4 to review Romania's progress under a EUR20 billion loan package.

Following the mission, the IMF will decide whether to disburse a sixth loan installment to the country, worth over EUR900 million.

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