The Government decided in its weekly meeting Wednesday to issue an additional 30,000 vouchers, each worth 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.2200), people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.
Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said a week ago the cash for clunkers program would get extra vouchers, adding about 110,000 old cars have been scrapped over the past three months and over 22,000 new cars have been bought under the program. He also said more than half the new cars bought within the program are made locally.
The 2010 clunkers program started on February 18 when 60,000 scrapping vouchers were distributed. The number of vouchers was supplemented two times, each time by 50,000 new vouchers. Borbely also said total funds allotted by the state to the clunkers program exceeds RON600 million.
The 2010 clunkers program sets that in exchange for a scrapped car, owners receive a voucher worth RON3,800 but no more than three vouchers can be used to buy a new car.