Romania PM Urges Local Authorities To Back Investments, EU Funds Absorption

The Bucharest prefecture must see that local authorities observe the government policy targeting investments and efficient absorption of European Union funds to prevent related problems and deficiencies this year, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday.


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Romania PM Urges Bucharest Prefecture To Back Govt With Invests, EU Funds Absorption

"The government earmarked 20% of the state budget for investments and simplified both public procurement procedures and the absorption process of EU funds. However, if the government’s decisions are ignored at local level, the year 2009 will become a total fiasco in terms of investments and EU funds absorption," Boc pointed out Saturday within the investiture ceremony of Bucharest prefect and deputy prefects.

Boc also stressed that local authorities must work side by side with the government to apply a fair payment system for public servants in ratio with professional achievements.
Moreover, the Premier also said the prefect and deputy prefects belong neither to the Social Democratic Party (PSD) nor to the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), and pointed out they represent the country’s ruling coalition, which includes the two parties.
Bucharest’s interim prefect Mihai Cristian Atanasoaei, alongside interim deputy prefects Mariana Campurean and Florin Costinel Gheorghe, took the oath Saturday within the investiture ceremony attended by Boc.
The aforementioned were appointed interims until a contest is organized to fill these positions.
Atanasoaei said he plans to carry out his mandate as Bucharest prefect in a transparent and fair manner and added he expects the same from his collaborators.


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