The services will be purchased with non-reimbursable funds from the European Social Fund through the Sector Operation Program for the Development of Administrative Capacity, which aims to support the public and local administration for the upgrade and optimization of the institutional capacity in its structures.
In this respect, the Ministry for SMEs will organize at the end of the month accelerated auctions for five consultancy service contracts.
One of the contracts targets the purchase of services for the development of the Government strategy aiming to develop the SME segment, between 2009 and 2013, with an estimated value of RON3.2 million, VAT excluded. The deadline for bid submission is August 26.
In addition, in view of strengthening the institutional capacity for reform management regarding the improvement of the business environment in Romania, the Ministry has a budget of RON4.4 million, VAT excluded, for which it expects bids until August 25.
For the simplification of administrative procedures involving SMEs, through the introduction of "one stop shop" offices, the Ministry intends to buy services worth RON3.9 million, while for the evaluation of administrative barriers of legal nature, faced by the business environment, and for the constitution of a durable system for monitoring and later evaluation the institution has a budget of RON2.9 million. The sums do not include VAT and the deadline for bid submission is August 27, respectively August 28.
Another contract targets the purchase of services for the development of the Government strategy aiming to improve and develop the business environment. The contract is worth RON2.9 million, VAT excluded, and the deadline for bids is August 31.
The projects are set to last between one and two years.