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Romanian Immigrants In Spain Have Better Living Standard Than Those In Italy – Survey

Romanian immigrants in Spain have a better living standard than those in Italy, as 14% of Romanians in Spain managed to buy a home, compared with 8% in Italy, according to an opinion poll among Romanian communities in Spain conducted by the Agency for Governmental Strategies (ASG), in Mar-Apr 2008.
Romanian Immigrants In Spain Have Better Living Standard Than Those In Italy - Survey
22 mai 2008, 17:25, English
"The comparative analysis on the results of the two social surveys indicates significant differences between the socio-demographic profile and social aspects regarding Romanian immigrants in Spain and Italy," a press statement of ASG read.
Thus, only 0.2% of Romanian immigrants in Spain live in improvised and inadequate spaces, compared with 3% in Italy.
Romanian immigrants in Spain had a monthly net income of EUR175 in Romania, way above the EUR140 salary obtained by immigrants in Italy.
Most Romanian nationals living in Spain (61%) work in the field of constructions (29%), handle housework activities (14%) and trade activities (5%), work as bartenders, barmen, cooks (10%) or work in the hotel industry (3%).