Romanian Businessman Ion Tiriac Gives Up Balc Hunting Grounds

Publicat: 26 05. 2009, 16:43
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:21

Tiriac gave up the hunting grounds, with a surface of 10,224 hectares, two months ago, but will keep the hunting complex, with a surface of 1,157 hectares, which has game breeder status and is not part of the hunting grounds, according to Ilie Mihalache, adviser within the hunting management department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development.

The grounds management fee soared starting with the current hunting season, which began on May 15.

According to Ministry officials, the tax for the management of the hunting grounds reached an approximate RON80,000 (some EUR20,000) per year, but legislation was amended, thus the current fee is higher than EUR300,000. The fee is calculated through multiplying a fixed sum (EUR3,819) by the number of auction steps in the procedure from 2005 (81 auction steps).

Ion Tiriac could not be reached for comments before press time.

According to current legislation, hunting grounds can be attributed directly to individuals or owner associations who hold at least 51% of the grounds surface. If the literature is not submitted within 15 days from the date of the announcement, which in this case is May 21, the Ministry of Agriculture will organize an auction for the attribution of the hunting grounds management contract.

The Ministry has already initiated procedures for the direct attribution of the hunting grounds at Balc, and those interested in managing the property can submit the literature within 15 working days from May 21. If the property is not attributed directly, an auction will be organized.

The hunting grounds management contract will be signed for an interval of 10 years, whether the property is attributed directly or through auction.

The Balc domain falls under the administration of the Oradea Forestry Department. Ion Tiriac leased the property until 2015.

The domain is known for the hunting parties organized by Ion Tiriac, where guests included important Romanian and foreign businesspeople.