Romania’s BCR Bk, Enel Romania Sign Pact On ATMs Bills Payment

Romania’s largest lender Banca Comerciala Romana, or BCR, and Enel Romania, the local unit of Italian utility Enel SpA (EN), signed an agreement based on which the company’s clients in the western and southeastern counties of Banat and Dobrogea, respectively, could pay their bills at BCR’s ATMs.


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Romania’s BCR Bk, Enel Romania Sign Pact On ATMs Bills Payment

"These clients add up to those in Muntenia, southern Romania, who were already able to pay their bills at AMTs. Any holder of BCR cards could register to make this payment within BCR’s ATM network," the executive director within BCR’s card unit Igor Zganjer said Thursday.

BCR clients could pay their bills at the bank’s ATMs for some 160 service and utility provides countrywide the bank signed agreements with, such as fixed and mobile telephony, Internet providers, cable TV companies, insurance and leasing companies, electric power, gas and water distribution units.

The bank has a network of over 1,585 ATMs and over 14,900 electronic point of sale banks at traders.

BCR is the largest bank in Romania by assets, with over EUR17.5 billion assets.

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