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Romanian PM Says He Warned 6 Mo Ago That Used Car Imports Would Hit Jobs

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said Thursday that he warned months ago that excessive used car imports would kill jobs in the local auto industry.
Romanian PM Says He Warned 6 Mo Ago That Used Car Imports Would Hit Jobs
13 nov. 2008, 13:44, English

"I warned six months ago, in Parliament, that excessive used car imports would affect jobs in the local auto industry. (…) We need to do something and we’ll have to see what regulations we can introduce, because the effects are too damaging. There are 200,000 people working in this industry and we want to avoid making the same mistakes as Hungary,” Tariceanu said.

Asked to estimate the number jobless people Romania will have by the end of the year, Tariceanu said it is hard to estimate a number of people to be laid off in industry, but said he is confident the effects of the crisis can be lowered if investments are made in such a way as to keep existing jobs and create new ones.

"I don’t want us to act like simple bystanders and think we are at a deadlock. There are solutions, we need action that is well coordinated. We need to take care of people, companies and we need to have remedies for the investment systems,” Tariceanu said.