Romania’s Central Electoral Bureau Rejects Social Democrats’ Vote Recount Claims

The Central Electoral Bureau rejected as groundless Wednesday the request of the Romanian Social Democratic Party to recount votes in polling stations where alleged irregularities occurred during presidential election, adding social democrats didn't say extacly which polling stations were concerned.


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Romania’s Central Electoral Bureau Rejects Social Democrats’ Vote Recount Claims

Central Electoral Bureau spokesperson Marian Muhulet said after the meeting of the Bureau the social democrats' request to recount ballots in polling stations where alleged irregularities occurred, but they failed to mention which polling stations they were targeting.

"They said in the request they would bring evidence, but they didn't. There was no evidence attached to the request, so it was rejected," Muhulet said.

The Electoral Bureau also decided during the meeting held Wednesday to forward to the Standing Electoral Authority and the Constitutional Court the contestation submitted by the social democrat and conservative alliance branch in Arad, western Romania, regarding alleged multiple voting at several polling stations in the area.

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