Romania's Cernavoda Nuclear Plant Restarts 2nd Reactor

The second reactor of Romania's sole nuclear plant in southern Cernavoda was restarted Thursday and reached its nominal power at around GMT 1300, the state-owned nuclear energy producer Nuclearelectrica said.


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Romania's Cernavoda Nuclear Plant Restarts 2nd Reactor

Nuclearelectrica shut down Wednesday the reactor, due to a malfunction that led to electricity loss.
The 700 MW reactor was built based on a contract sealed in 2003 with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. And Italy’s ANSALDO and uses the CANDU 6 technology. It started power deliveries in August 2007.
The plant’s first nuclear reactor has been functioning since 1996.
Romania plan to build another two reactors at Cernavoda, which are scheduled to become operational by 2015-2016.
Nuclearelectrica’s reactors ensure around 17% of Romania’s national energy consumption.

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