Romania’s CFR May Pay Debts To Pwr Suppliers If Sacking 6,000 People - Transp Min

The number of employees in Romanian railway company CFR has to be cut by 6,000 persons, from the current 28,000 people, and the respective salary funds should be redirected towards reimbursing the company’s debts to power suppliers, Transport Minister Radu Berceanu said Thursday.


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Romania’s CFR May Pay Debts To Pwr Suppliers If Sacking 6,000 People - Transp Min

He said in a press conference that reducing the number of employees would be a solution for the company to pay its debts to the power suppliers totaling 700 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2942).
According to him, the last summer agreement inked between the Finance and the Transport Ministries for rescheduling CFR SA’s debts to the power suppliers was respected only 30 days.
CFR SA’s salary fund rose from RON500 million in 2007 to RON711 million at the moment, the minister added.
The companies subordinated to the Transport and Infrastructure Ministry will have to choose between keeping all the employees with lower salaries and cutting their number with keeping the same wages, Berceanu said earlier Thursday.

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