Romania's Ctrl Bk, Govt Analyze External Loan Conditions - Ctrl Bker

The National Bank of Romania analyzes, together with Government representatives, the right amount to be borrowed from external markets, at the most favorable costs and with a reasonable payback calendar, the central bank’s governor Mugur Isarescu said Monday.


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Romania's Ctrl Bk, Govt Analyze External Loan Conditions - Ctrl Bker

Isarescu added the sums discussed in recent weeks in various circles are "categorically exaggerated."
Isarescu also said Romania as an European member state should consider the European funds, and that currently there is an evaluation undergoing as regards the absorption capacity.
He said both loans from the European Union and additional loans from the European Investment Bank are evaluated. 
Isarescu added he takes into account also funds from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Isarescu said last week an eventual loan from the IMF should be included in a package of agreements between Romania and other European institutions, such as EIB or EBRD.

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