Romania’s Econ Min Disappointed As Slovenia Hosts ACER Headquarters

The European Union member states’ last week decision to headquarter the new Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, or ACER, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was considered as “disappointing” by Romania’s interim Economy Minister Adriean Videanu.


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Romania’s Econ Min Disappointed As Slovenia Hosts ACER Headquarters

Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia competed for hosting the agency's headquarters.

ACER, whose attributions will be the good functioning of the EU electricity and natural gas markets, is estimated to become functional on March 3, 2011, when it will begin coordinating the activity of the energy regulators in the EU member states.

The new agency will draw up rules to further liberalize the union's gas and electricity market, will monitor each state's energy markets, and will make individual obligatory decisions as regards the access to the cross-border energy infrastructure.

According to an European Union press release, ACER's manager will be named in the first half of 2010.

Setting up ACER is included in the legislative package on the local electricity and natural gas market, published by the European Commission in September 2007 and adopted by the European Parliament this April.

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