Romania’s Electroputere Craiova To Lay Off Some 400 Employees As Of Monday - Unionist

Some 400 employees of electrical equipment maker Electroputere Craiova in Dolj county, southern Romania, will be laid off starting Monday and will receive between five and nine compensatory wages. The process will go on until the beginning of September, unionists said


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Romania’s Electroputere Craiova To Lay Off Some 400 Employees As Of Monday - Unionist

Aurel Bojenoiu, union leader within Electroputere SA Craiova, told MEDIAFAX Sunday that 400 employees of the total 2,500 will be laid of as of Monday.

He said an analysis was made in each division before deciding who will leave.
“Nearly 400 people will be laid off as of tomorrow (Monday-e.n.). When the list of the people who will leave was completed, each sector was analyzed and their contracts were taken into consideration. We’re talking about the locomotive, equipment and electric engines factory,” Bojenoiu said.
According to him, the board of the company initially proposed the layoff of 1,000 employees.
The employees will receive between five and nine compensatory wages, in accordance with the collective labor contract.
Saudi company Al-Arrab Contracting Company Limited owns 62.8% of the capital of Electroputere, based on the privatization contract concluded in November 2007.

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