Romania’s Ex Agriculture Min Criticizes Banks’ Decision Not To Finance Agriculture

The decisions of the banks not to finance start-ups in agriculture is “absurd” and the state should intervene to allow farmers to get loans, Romania's former Agriculture Minister Dacian Ciolos said Tuesday.


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Romania’s Ex Agriculture Min Criticizes Banks’ Decision Not To Finance Agriculture

"The agriculture sector needs financial uphold in order to come along. I think the state, and not only it, should intervene in this respect. The state has the power to intervene so that loans be granted again," Ciolos said during the Mediafax Talks about Romanian Agriculture seminar.

Ciolos added financing start-ups is essential to modernize the agriculture sector.

"I believe the decision of the banks not to finance start-ups in agriculture is absurd. We cannot talk about reforming agriculture or creating new farms without financing this sector," said Ciolos.

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