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Romania’s Defense Min Gets Extra Money To Increase Presence In Afghanistan

Romania’s Government assigned an extra 61.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1275) to the Defense Ministry to ensure the sums needed in the second quarter of the year to increase the country’s number of troops to be stationed in Afghanistan in 2010 and purchase new military equipment.
Romania’s Defense Min Gets Extra Money To Increase Presence In Afghanistan
04 mai 2010, 09:37, English

The money was allotted from the Government’s budget reserve fund, according to a decision approved recently by the Executive.

The RON210.7 million for the third and the fourth quarters of the year will also be ensured by the reserve fund or following a budget revision.

Romanian President Traian Basescu said in April that „it is inacceptable that several NATO member states should think their mission in Afghanistan is over.”

Basescu said Romania has deployed more troops in Afghanistan over the past years and will deploy an additional 150 troops in 2010. He added that Romania runs the risk of endangering its existing troops in the area unless it deploys more troops and stressed the country will have 1,800 troops stationed in Afghanistan by September. Basescu said the measure targets to help Romania successfully accomplish its military missions and provide maximum security for troops already deployed in the area.

Romania currently has 1,020 troops in Afghanistan. Over the past years, 12 Romanian troops were killed during military operations in Afghanistan and dozens others were injured.