Romania’s Govt Pledges To Enforce Healthcare Co-Payments
Romania’s Government pledged that it will introduce the co-payment system for healthcare services and that exemptions from co-payment will not exceed a set cap, according to the country's agreement with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission.
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The draft law regulating the healthcare co-payment system was submitted to the Government by Health Ministry representatives at the end of April, but Finance Ministry officials asked that it be revised, arguing that some of its provisions would strain the state budget.
People close to the matter said talks during the meeting showed the introduction of a healthcare co-payment system is necessary to cut spending under agreements with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, adding the Finance Ministry considers that certain provisions of the draft law still put pressure on the budget.
In March, Romania's Government approved a draft law drawn up by the Health Ministry regarding the introduction of a co-payment system for public healthcare services, and the draft law was sent to the Parliament which should decide if the draft law will enter force starting July 1, 2010.
The total yearly cost of health vouchers per person will not exceed RON600 and consultations, investigations and hospital days beyond this margin will be free of charge.
Joint teams from the IMF, EU and the World Bank were in Bucharest until May 10 for the fourth review of Romania's progress under a loan agreement.
Romania's loan agreement with the IMF is part of a larger EUR20 billion package that includes funds from the European Commission, the World Bank and other foreign lenders.
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