Romania’s Hungarian Minority Party Wants Govt Majority, Stable Cabinet

Romania's Hungarian minority party leader Marko Bela said Monday before the meeting of the party’s Standing Council that his political organization wants a government majority to support a stable Cabinet, adding he has no suggestions regarding the country’s prime minister.


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Romania’s Hungarian Minority Party Wants Govt Majority, Stable Cabinet

"We made no evaluation, no speculations regarding the future prime minister and I have no suggestion in this respect at the moment. There are many questions without an answer - government majority, stable and transparent Cabinet - this is what matters after all," Marko said.

Asked if the Hungarian minority party will continue to back the National Liberal Party, Marko said the matter will be discussed in the Standing Council, adding he sees no reason why the party should not continue this collaboration.

Marko said the decision made by Sibiu mayor Klaus Johannis not be prime minister if incumbent President Traian Basescu gets a new five-year term changed facts for the party as the context also changed.

People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX liberal leaders met Monday with leaders of the Hungarian minority party to talk on the situation emerging after the results of the presidential elections showed President Traian Basescu winner with 50.33% of the votes. Talks focused on reconfirming the political coalition agreement established between the two parties before the presidential election runoff.

Although Basescu's centrist democrat liberals have the most seats in Parliament, 167, that is not enough to push through a new prime minister to replace Emil Boc, whose Cabinet collapsed mid-October in a no-confidence vote. Romania needs to have a stable government with full powers to start getting further disbursements of a EUR20 billion IMF-led bailout loan it relies on. However, Basescu's democrat liberals will have to seek political compromise because a new Cabinet needs 236 lawmaker votes to pass.

All other Parliament parties, namely liberals and minorities, teamed up to back social democrat Mircea Geoana in the presidential race and had planned to make up a government with Sibiu mayor Kalus Johannis for prime minister, but than plan is history since Geoana didn't win and Johannis said he will stay mayor.

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