Romania’s Kovesi And Two Other Prosecutors, Under Disciplinary Investigation By Judicial Inspectors

Romanian National Anticorruption Directorate Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi, deputy prosecutor Marius Iacob and head of department Gheorghe Popovici are currently facing an investigation over disciplinary misconduct which will be performed by the Judicial Inspection.


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Romania’s Kovesi And Two Other Prosecutors, Under Disciplinary Investigation By Judicial Inspectors

The Judicial Inspection took this decision in the aftermath of a notification filed by Mihaiela Iorga and Doru Tulus, two former prosecutors at the Directorate.

The two filed a complaint regarding the manner in which the Directorate conducted an internal investigation.

Upon completion of the investigation, the judicial inspectors may exercise disciplinary actions and notify the High Council of Magistracy.



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