Five Romanians Died On The Spot In Car Crash Near Szeged, Hungary

Publicat: 10 08. 2009, 15:51
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:26

The accident occurred at 4 am local time (5 am in Romania), on Road 43 in the Klarafalva region, 26 kilometers east from Szeged, said Szilvana Tuczakov from Csongrad regional police, cited by Hungarian news agency MTI.

The five people in the car that had Spanish registration number are Romanian nationals, the spokesperson told news agency EFE, cited by El Confidencial in its electronic edition.

According to primary information, the car switched lanes to get passed another vehicle and collided with a truck that was registered in Romania.

The passengers of the car, including a 12 year-old, died on the spot, the spokesperson said.

The deputy consul of Romania to Szeged, Razvan Ciolca, said the five Romanians were living in Spain.

He said the five victims were driving in a car that was registered in Spain, which collided with a truck that had Romanian plate number.

“Three men, one woman and a child died,” Ciolca said.

He added the truck driver was slightly injured and didn’t need hospital care.

“The truck driver was slightly injured, but didn’t need to go to hospital. He is currently at the Szeged Police for hearings, and the deceased were taken to the local morgue,” the deputy consul said.