Romania’s Natural Gas Prices To Grow In Single-Digit Jan 1 - Econ Min

Romania’s natural gas prices in 2008 will see a single-digit rise on January 1, 2008, Economy and Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian said Friday, adding the increase would have an anti-inflationary effect.

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Romania’s Natural Gas Prices To Grow In Single-Digit Jan 1 - Econ Min

“Our 2008 objective is that prices for electricity and natural gas have an anti-inflationary effect (…) The prices for natural gas will be aligned according to the population’s supportability degree,” Vosganian said.

Prices for imported gas, which assures nearly 40% of the country’s annual consumption, will grow by 15-16% January 1.

Following the price hike, importers will pay $360-365 for 1,000 cubic meters of gas.

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