Romania’s New Govt To Lower No. Of Emergency Decrees, Reform Judiciary

Romania’s new government plans to enforce extraordinary procedures for recruitment in the judicial system, to grant public and free access to the official database of all normative acts and plans to do away with the excessive use of emergency decrees to pass laws.


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Romania’s New Govt To Lower No. Of Emergency Decrees, Reform Judiciary

The working governing agenda includes four major goals in the judicial system: real results in fighting anti-corruption, ensuring legislative stability and coherence, improving the human resources policy in the legal system and reducing court trial periods.

The center-left coalition government plans to consolidate the National Anticorruption Department and the National Integrity Agency, and the institutional capacity, the role and the independence of Judicial Inspection with the High Council of the Magistrates.

The government plans to have the normative acts automatically republished in their updated form, once they have been amended.

The government will continue the efforts to have the legislative system helped by technology.

Moreover, the Government wants to set up a system to allow free access to the official electronic database which includes all normative acts.

Another goal of the future Executive is the adoption of the draft laws amending the Civil Code, the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Civil Procedure Code.

The government wants to define in detail the sectors in which it can issue emergency decrees and reduce the use of this mechanism.

The government plans to amend the law regulating the statute of magistrates and to have a third of the vacant positions filled through “extraordinary recruitment procedures”, thus implementing the monopoly of the National Institute of Magistracy in recruiting magistrates, regardless of the procedure involved in the process.

The government will ensure financial support for the participation of Romanian magistrates in exchanges or training sessions at European level. The Justice Ministry will support with public money the programs proposed by professional magistrates’ associations.

The Government also wants to set up new courthouses in large towns and even new departments in charge of the subpoena procedures.

The law regulating the activity of court officers in charge of foreclosing procedures will also be revised.

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