Romania’s New Labor Minister Takes Oath

Mariana Campeanu, the country’s new labor minister, took the oath within the investiture ceremony at the presidential palace.


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Romania’s New Labor Minister Takes Oath

 Basescu thanked Campeanu for having accepted the headship of the Labor Ministry and wished her good luck in the new position.

The head of state told Campeanu that pensioners have high expectations from her and reminded that pension hikes are due on October 1.

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu on Thursday sent a letter to President Traian Basescu nominating Campeanu, former head of the country’s National Pension and Social Insurance House, for the position of labor minister. 

Basescu said he had no objection to appointing Campeanu labor minister, as she is “a good professional”.

The decree noting the vacancy of the labor minister position and that appointing Campeanu were published in the Official Gazette Thursday.

Basescu on Wednesday signed the decree dismissing Paul Pacuraru from position of labor minister.

Basescu suspended Pacuraru on Monday over corruption charges after anticorruption prosecutors launched a probe into allegations that Pacuraru took bribe while in office. 

Following the suspension, Pacuraru forwarded his resignation.



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