Romania’s Newly-Created Leftist Party Designates Its Leaders

Romania’s newly-created leftist party, the National Union for the Progress of Romania (UNPR), designated its leaders during a national conference on Saturday, when the country celebrates International Workers’ Day.


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Romania’s Newly-Created Leftist Party Designates Its Leaders

People close to the matter said former social democrat Marian Sarbu is the party's president, defense minister and former social democrat Gabriel Oprea was appointed executive president, former social democrat Cristian Diaconescu is the party's honorary president and Bucharest's sector 2 mayor Neculai Ontanu, also a former social democrat, will be the group's general secretary.

The sources also said the party has 15 vice-presidents.

After the reunion, the leftist party will be launched officially in the Revolution Square in capital Bucharest.

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