Romania's Parliament agrees to extend the state of emergency. Conditions, imposed on the Government

The Romanian lawmakers, on Thursday, in an online meeting, with a majority of votes, approved the request of president Klaus Iohannis to extend the state of emergency on Romania's territory for another 30 days, but a series of conditions have been imposed on the Government.


Imaginea articolului Romania's Parliament agrees to extend the state of emergency. Conditions, imposed on the Government

Romania's Parliament agrees to extend the state of emergency. Conditions, imposed on the Government

Your rights and freedoms will be restricted for another 30 days. The parliamentarians approved the decree regarding the extension of the state of emergency, but they did not renounce the conditions imposed by the PSD. Thus, the Government will have to submit a weekly report on the activities taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic, and 60 days after the cessation of the state of emergency the Court of Accounts will verify how the public procurements were done.

Of the 439 parliamentarians who voted, 404 for the decree, while 29 voted against, and five abstained. Alde and Pro Romania were the only parties that did not support the approval of the extension of the emergency state.

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