Romania's participation to the largest NATO military drills in Europe has been cancelled

Romania's National Defence Ministry has stated that participation to the DEFENDER EUROPE 2020 Exercise was cancelled in the context of the spread of the epidemic with the new coronavirus.


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Romania's participation to the largest NATO military drills in Europe has been cancelled

The US Armed Forces Command in Europe has already announced a reduction in the number of troops that will be participating.

Romania's National Defence Ministry has cancelled the participation in the largest NATO military exercise in Europe this year in the context of the spread of the epidemic by the new coronavirus.

Romania had intended to participate with 400 troops and 50 military technical means in two exercises connected to DEFENDER EUROPE 20.

"The initial plan provided for the participation of the Romanian military in exercises in Estonia, Latvia and Georgia of detachments from the ground, air and naval forces, meaning about 400 military and 50 technical means", the Ministry of National Defence replied to MEDIAFAX.

Also, the Ministry of Defence specifies that the decision was taken after consultations with the host countries of this exercise but also with the US.

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