Romania’s Public Servants To Go On Strike On May 31

Romania’s public servants will go on strike on May 31, to protest against the 25% wage cut for administration servants and the Government’s failure to adopt certain laws regulating public institutions, which would help fight tax evasion, the union said in a press release Tuesday.


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The National Public Servants' Union, or SNFP, criticizes the Government for granting public funds to its political clientele, turning public institutions into political weapons, discouraging economic competitiveness and disregarding final court rulings.

Union representatives called on the Government to place the National Agency of Public Servants ANFP under Parliament administration. Also, unionists requested an audit on the public body apparatus, better wages for public servants to help discourage corruption, and a centralized, countrywide taxpayer database.

According to the press release, the public servants' union will go on strike on May 31.

Union confederation leaders will meet Tuesday afternoon to discuss the details of the upcoming protests against the Government's austerity plan. Several unions have already announced they would go on strike on May 31, while others are considering a solidarity strike on June 1.

Wednesday morning, the leaders of Romania's ruling parties will take the final decisions regarding the austerity plan, and the Government will approve the letter of intent to the IMF, democrat liberal vice-president Gheorghe Flutur said Tuesday.

Flutur added that the Government might seek a confidence vote for the austerity measures in Parliament next week, as the plan should come into force starting June 1. However, no official decisions have been taken yet.

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