Romania’s Ruling Party To Hold Meeting Saturday, Invites Head Of State To Attend

Leaders of Romania’s ruling Democratic Liberal Party will hold a meeting Saturday, February 20, to discuss the party’s political priorities for this year and debate its by-laws in view of upcoming inner elections, party spokesman Liviu Negoita said Monday.


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Romania’s Ruling Party To Hold Meeting Saturday, Invites Head Of State To Attend

Negoita also said President Traian Basescu has been invited to attend the meeting which will reunite members of the party's national standing office, parliamentary groups and county council heads.

Asked to explain why the party invited the head of state to its meeting, Negoita said he thinks it is "normal" the president should attend the meeting if his schedule allows it.

"We believe he will be able to come, considering the party backed him for reelection and we have committed to his projects to modernize the country," Negoita said, adding the president and the party have many things in common that may be discussed within the meeting Saturday.

Basescu, who has headed the Democratic Liberal Party and is now formally independent, was reelected for a new five-year term in December last year.

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