Romania’s Second Nuclear Plant To Be Built Nearby Somes River - Sources

Romania’s second nuclear plant will be built nearby Somes river, in Transylvania area, as authorities are currently evaluating four locations, government sources told MEDIAFAX Thursday.


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Romania’s Second Nuclear Plant To Be Built Nearby Somes River - Sources

The intention to build a second nuclear plant was first announced in 1983-1984 by the former communist regime.

In 2007, former Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu announced the project would be resumed and, last year, authorities evaluated over 100 locations, mainly in Transylvania area.

Economy minister Adriean Videanu said in May that the country's second nuclear power plant would be located in the central part of the country, in Transylvania area.

Romania's sole nuclear power plant at Cernavoda has two 700-megawatt reactors, which provide around 18% of the country's power needs. The authorities plan to build another two reactors at Cernavoda, which are scheduled to become operational by 2015-2016.

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