“If the government wants to take responsibility for something, than it should for the measures it has to take after talks with the IMF. These measures will affect the entire Romanian society on the mid- and long-term. In this matter, serious debate is needed and the Government’s taking responsibility in front of Parliament, the nation, is justified,” Duvaz said.
Testing the political will of the coalition can happen when the executive assumes responsibility for the set of measures brought about by the agreement with the International Monetary Fund, and not by assuming responsibility for the laws on education, which require parliamentary debate, he said.
According to Duvaz, the Social Democratic Party has never taken into consideration taking responsibility for the education laws, as the reform in this sector is not carried out through such a measure, as desired by the premier, but by parliamentary debates and talks with all those involved.
He said the party deems that parliamentary debates on the education laws can lead to a truly stable result, for at least ten years.