Romania’s Transp Min Hires Back Some GMs Dismissed End-2008

Romania’s Transport Minister Radu Berceanu hired back part of the 31 managers of subordinated companies he dismissed when taking over his mandate, as some of them accepted lower salaries, while no replacers were found for other.


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Romania’s Transp Min Hires Back Some GMs Dismissed End-2008

"Few of them returned to their previous positions as they accepted lower salaries, and other, in the aeronautic sector, were named again in their prior positions, as it is hard to find replacers, due to the strict regulations of the two international watchdogs IATA and OACI," Berceanu said in a press conference.
He said he found no replacers for the general mangers of international airports Otopeni, Baneasa and Timisoara, and for the Civil Aeronautic Authority.
End-2008, Berceanu announced to dismiss the managers of the companies subordinated to the Transport Ministry due to their high salaries.

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