Romania’s democrat liberal transport minister Radu Berceanu said Saturday, at the meeting of the party’s legislative groups, that his ministry’s top priority is to build highways.
Romania’s Transport Ministry Makes Highways Its Top Priority
Berceanu highlighted that, regardless of the progresses made in this sector, people would always wonder how many highways were built.
The minister added the country’s ruling coalition formed of social democrats and democrat liberals would do its utmost to keep its promises and carry out a series of projects until the end of its four-year mandate.
He also said it is very important that the democrat liberal and social democrat lawmakers back the government’s actions and measures, stressing they ought to keep people updated at all times.
Moreover, Berceanu called for caution until getting a clear picture of the situation within ministries, adding people would get to see positive outcomes once the government takes concrete measures aiming to make things better.
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