Romania’s Unirea Urziceni Lost 0-1 To Liverpool In Europa League’s Last 32

Romania’s Unirea Urziceni Thursday evening was defeated 0-1 (0-0) by English football team FC Liverpool in the Europa League’s last 32 away match.


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Romania’s Unirea Urziceni Lost 0-1 To Liverpool In Europa League’s Last 32

The winners' goal was head-kicked by FC Liverpool's Ngog in the 81st minute.

The match was refereed by Dutch Eric Braamhaar helped by linesmen Wilco Lobbert and Rob van de Ven.

Swedish Khennet Tallinger was the UEFA delegate to the match and Norwegian Jon Skjervold was the referee observer.

About 45,000 supporters were preset at the match, of whom 1,000 were Romanian nationals.

The return match will be held in Romania on February 25.

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