Romania Telecom Operators To Benefit From EUR83M To Cover Blank Areas – Min

Telecom operators will benefit from EUR83 million in 2010 to extend their network to uncovered areas, and the financial aid scheme is financed from European funds, Romanian Communications Ministry secretary of state Marius Fecioru said Thursday.


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Romania Telecom Operators To Benefit From EUR83M To Cover Blank Areas – Min

"These areas are called blank areas as operators did not invest in developing telecom networks, invoking profit issues. After several auctions, we are confident operators will start investments in developing networks to cover these areas mid next year," Fecioru said during the conference Mediafax talks about Telecom Industry.

Fecioru added the financial aid is not enough to cover all blank areas.

"What matters is that the European Commission representatives agreed on granting the country this aid scheme," Fecioru said.

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