Romania Telecom Watchdog, Operators Set Up Cell Phone Unlocking Rules

Romanian Communications Authority, or ANC, and mobile telephony operators will set up a Code of good practices to regulate cell phone unlocking to any service provider, the telecom regulator said Tuesday.


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Romania Telecom Watchdog, Operators Set Up Cell Phone Unlocking Rules

“In three weeks tops, we will have a code of good practices to unlock terminals, which will be applied by all mobile telephony operators. The Code will include most of the provisions in ANC’s regulation, as well as individual procedures for each operator,” ANC president Liviu Nistoran said in a statement.
Four of the five mobile telephony operators active on the Romanian market, namely Orange, Vodafone, Cosmote and Telemobil (Zapp) already agreed to the Code and voiced their interest to contribute to its elaboration, starting from the draft decision proposed by ANC.
Unlocking a cell phone is free of charge, provided the user’s minimum mandatory period to remain inside the network negotiated by contract has ended, ANC said.
“If the user asks to have their terminal unblocked before the minimum period stipulated by contract ends, then the service supplier is compelled to unblock the phone only if the user fulfilled the obligations assumed by contract (paying certain price differences and termination penalties),” the statement noted.
Orange Romania is the largest mobile telephony operator on the domestic market, with 10.35 million users registered end 2008.
Vodafone Romania comes second with 9.65 million users, followed by Cosmote Romania – 5.2 million users.

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