Romania ranks third among European Union states, after Spain and Germany, in terms of petitions submitted to the European Parliament.
Romania, Third In EU By Petitions To European Parliament
The 2007 activity report of the EP Petition Committee indicates Romania ranked third with a total 43 petitions to the EP, being outpaced by Spain with 254 petitions and Germany with 212 petitions.
The report indicates a 50% increase in the number of petitions at EU level, compared with 2006, targeting environment protection and fundamental rights.
The report urges the European Council and the standing delegations of the EU member states to get more involved in the activity of the Petition Committee for the benefit of all citizens.
The Petition Committee extended its membership in 2007 to 40 members from 25, following a 50% increase in petitions to the EP, namely 1,506, compared with 2006, of which 1,089 were declared admissible.
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