Romania To Have 123 Km Of Highway Open By End-Year – PM
The Transylvania Highway is currently 52 km-long, Sibiu’s ring road has highway status and is 17 km long and 21 km of the Bucharest-Constanta highway have been completed so far. Aside from this total of 90 km, Boc explained there are also a number of roads with highway status: Chitila-Voluntari (20 km), part of the Timisoara ring road (13 km), part of the Ploiesti ring road (13 km).
The 32 km-long Arad-Timisoara highway is scheduled to open later in the year.
Boc and Transport Minister Anca Boagiu on Thursday attended the official start of work on the Nadlac-Arad segment of the Timisoara-Lugoj Highway (65 km). The 9.5 km-long segment will be developed by a consortium made up of Spedition UMB SRL, Tehnostrade SRL and Carena SpA Impresa di Costruzioni through a contract worth 210.3 million lei (EUR48.5 million). The project is to be completed in April 2013.