Romania To Have ‘Corner’ At Marche Du Film Court

Cultural association Esten'est will organize, with the support of the Romanian National Center of Cinematography, the Romanian stall "Romanian Short Film Corner" within the film market of the prestigious international film festival at Clermont-Ferrand (France), which will take place between January 30 and February 7.


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Romania To Have ‘Corner’ At Marche Du Film Court

This is the first occasion for Romania to be represented at this level within the most important short film festival, Clermont-Ferrand thus joining Berlin and Cannes on the list of major film markets hosting Romania.

The professionals present at the Clermont-Ferrand Festival will be able to receive, at the stall, information about Romanian films with lengths below 30 minutes produced in the past two years, production companies, moviemakers, as well as Romanian technicians and actors. The catalogue compiled by Esten’est includes all important short films produced between 2007 and 2008, including the titles that made splashes worldwide.
The catalogue includes over 35 titles of fiction films, documentaries and animation films, as well as a list of film festivals and contact information for Romanian filmmakers.
The 31st edition of the Clermont Ferrand Festival will unfold between January 30 and February 7, 2009, while the film market, reaching its 24th edition, is open between February 2 and 7.
The Romanian stall will be available throughout this entire interval for professionals and journalists present at Marche du film court.
This year, the only Romanian film found in the festival’s competition is “La drumul mare,” directed by Gabriel Sarbu.



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