Romania To Provide Emergency Relief To Turkey, Libya

Romania's Government has decided to supply 100 tents to Turkey free of charge, as emergency earthquake relief, and provide medical care to 100 Libyan citizens injured in the civil war.


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Romania To Provide Emergency Relief To Turkey, Libya

The tents, worth a total 250,000 lei, will be taken out of the national reserves and shipped by the Ministry of Defense.

In addition, Romania will provide medical care, for a fee, to 100 Libyan citizens wounded or maimed in the civil war, at the request of the National Transitional Council. The group of Libyan citizens that will be brought to Romania to receive medical attention will be selected in Libya by a team of Romanian medics.

The Council also asked Romania to supply a quantity of locally-produced vaccines, as well as host a group of children traumatized by the conflict for 2-3 weeks. The Government has decided to honor these requests.

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