Romania To See Cheaper Mobile Calls

The clients of mobile network operators will have to pay in 2010 an average price of 0.25 lei/minute (EUR1-RON3.4477), down 30.6% from the average price set by companies in 2006, according to the data presented by Romania’s national IT&C regulator ANRCTI in the strategy regulating the Romanian telecom sector for 2007-2010.

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Romania To See Cheaper Mobile Calls

The IT&C watchdog said that this increase is the result of harsher competition on the telecom market.
As for 2007, the watchdog estimates that the price for mobile services will average RON0.32/minute, compared with RON0.36 /minute in 2006.
Moreover, the watchdog estimates an increase in the total number of phone calls in mobile networks from 14.4 billion in 2006 up to 25.4 billion in four years’ time, as the annual average growth rate reaches 15.4%.

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