Romania To Shut Down Nuke Reactor For Minor Repairs - Sources

One of the two reactors at Romania’s sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda will be shut down Friday, for at most two days, for repairs of an equipment malfunction, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Romania To Shut Down Nuke Reactor For Minor Repairs - Sources

"There are no safety issues, and the malfunction is not related to the drought," the sources said.

The state-owned nuclear power plant currently runs on two of its five designed reactors, providing some 18% of Romania's electricity consumption.

The plant uses water from the Danube to cool its reactors. High temperatures seen lately have caused water levels on the Danube to decrease. However, the plant's operator, Nuclearelectrica, said the low water levels do not entail the need to shut down reactors at this time.

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