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Romania, U.S. Co-Chair NATO’s DGP Group On Proliferation

Romania and the U.S. will share the presidency of NATO’s Senior Defense Group on Proliferation (DGP) for one year, between July 1 2009 and June 30 2010, the Romanian Defense Ministry said in a statement Tuesday.
Romania, U.S. Co-Chair NATO’s DGP Group On Proliferation
30 iun. 2009, 16:09, English

The DGP addresses the military capabilities needed to discourage proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to deter threats and use of such weapons, and to protect NATO populations, territory, and forces.
The body’s role is to advise the North Atlantic Organization on the development of joint defense capabilities against risks, threats and challenges posed by chemical, biological, radiologic and nuclear weapons.
Romania will be represented in the DGP by the Ministry of National Defense, via its Defense and Planning Policy Department.